Baby Jailbird!

Wednesday March 28th, 2012…

Domesticity reigns… washing, eating and a visit from the pest control man to assess termites in the yard…

Miss cheeky!!  Skye & Dylan from next door popped over to chat with the pest control man as they’ve termites in their yard too.  You are about 5 weeks older than Dylan and you’re very cute together.  I had lots of fun hanging out with Dylan’s mum when we were pregnant with you both.  And I know we’re going to keep having lots of fun with them through the years 🙂  We have a lovely community going in our street and area!  So many kids to play with and families to support one another.  Very blessed!

My baby jailbird!  You look so cute in your stripes today 🙂  And wouldn’t you know it… as I start typing about you I can hear you stirring!  You’re having more alert periods through the day now and turning your head to Dadda and Ruby’s voices more often too. It’s so lovely getting to know you sweet boy xx

Slow things down a little!

Tuesday March 27th, 2012…

Just aware today of time flying by!  Oscar already 3 1/2 weeks old and both of my babies are growing and changing before my eyes.  Anton back to work on Monday after 4 weeks off with us… I’ve so loved him being home.


“Wot oo doing Daddeeee??”           “Dadddeee not hiding.  Teeky (cheeky) Daddee”

Daddy was out on the deck trying to get the squeak out of the rocking chair.  You really thought you should be out there with him.  Until there is a gate on the deck though, anyone who is out there with you needs 100% focus on the Rubyroo… and to be ready to catch you!  A front fence is climbing its way up the priority list!

You spent the afternoon at Dondy and Pa’s house, playing with Asher.  A happy, but very tired wee girl came home from there.  I guess at least if you refuse a daytime nap you do then crash out very easily at nighttime!

You pull so many funny little faces, I could sit and watch you all day! One moment you look amused by the world and the next like someone has insulted you terribly! Such a dear little face with VERY smoochable cheeks xxx

Miss Monkey!

Monday March 26th, 2012…

Family day… Anton took Ruby out to the playground in the morning. It’s awesome how much you can get done in a short space of time when your baby is sleeping and your toddler is out having fun!

Missymoo, Dadda took you to the playground this morning for a while.  You were SOOO excited to be heading outdoors with him.  He took some pictures at the park so I could see what you were up to.  Daddy said you’re climbing really well and with some tips (and a little hovering) from him, did just fine with this chain ‘ladder’.  You then went for a big walk around the block…. all this exercise meant you had a daytime sleep today and woke up in such a good mood. Daddy heard you moving around quietly in your room and we peeked under the door and there were some little toes just waiting there 🙂

I think Mama is going to have to gather her energy and try to take you out walking in the mornings… for all of our sanity!

Little one, late in the evening I realised I had not taken a picture of you today!  I then tried to get one of your fuzzy head, but couldn’t capture it nicely at night.  This one is just you burrowed into my lap after a feed.  You like to spend the evenings on or near the susu!  I don’t really mind too much 🙂 xx

Planketty plank!

Sunday March 25th, 2012…

Seriously, what happened today??  Ummmmm…. a visit to Mel & Chris’ in the arvo to see my Uncle and Aunt.  I was soooo brave… I put Oscar in the carrier and clutched Ruby’s hand and walked all of about 100 metres down the street with both children by myself 😉  Ha!!  Can you tell I am slightly freeeeeeeeeeeaaaaking out about Anton going back to work next week??!

Here you are again my girl, throwing yourself around the place.  This time slightly assisted by Daddy… or maybe he was defending himself?!  You were almost doing a perfect plank before I took this, but camera is too slow and your little legs starting thrashing, as they are want to do!  Signing you up for the circus, ok?!

Nuff said ♥

Saturday’s stuff….

Saturday March 24th, 2012….

Asher and Cherie dropped in this morning and after lunch we went out to do some errands (and hope Rubes would have nap in the car!).  We picked up our aboriginal artwork from the framer (Artland Indooroopilly) and it looks fantastic.  They did a really great job!

My two pics today are Instagram ones…. having a bit of fun with that on the new iPhone 🙂

You did have quite a big sleep in the car today in the end… which meant a later night.  We put some ‘In the Night Garden’ on for you and here you are glued!!  You’ve taken over my feeding chair as you think it’s the best chair in the house for watching the tube!!

A pit stop for a feed was required today whilst we were out and about… you fell asleep promptly your tummy was full and looked so cute with your face all smooshed up that Dadda had to take a pic.  Well, actually, Daddy’s first effort was strangely as much about my bosom as your sweet face, so we had to get a second shot 😉


Trit trot!

Friday March 23rd, 2012…

Rubes, Oscar and I went back to the Grandies for the morning so that Dad and Anton could finish installing the dishwasher sans distraction!

Dondy ties sarongs/scarves around your waists as ‘pony tails’ and here you and Asher are running around being little ponies.  It is very cute when you both wiggle your butts to make your tails shake 🙂

This piccie is taken in your ‘playground’ on the deck at Dondy and PaRoy’s house.  We are so lucky to have them so close by and so involved in your/our day to day lives.

You’re a snuggly wee man, which I love and am going to appreciate even more come winter I think!  It’s such a different experience already parenting you… A different person you are 🙂  You are growing before my eyes.  You love your susu!

Ach… just leaked writing about you…. must be nearly time for a feed then 😉


Thursday March 22nd, 2012…

Well, the blog has gotten away from me a bit!  I can’t remember a whole lot about this day (I’m going to have to start scribbling notes somewhere for when I am playing catchups like this!) except that we went to Chermside and bought underwear and sushi, Oscar and I had Osteopath appointment…. and Anton and I were both really tired….

“You my angel” you’ve started saying to me… Not that you are saying it TO me, but you’re preempting what I could be about to say to you and must have said to you a lot!  And you are my angel, even on days like today when you have been tessssssssssting I have only to look at your dear little face with these lashes and you’re forgiven.

We want to be gentle with you and not disciplinarians….and we want you to know boundaries and respect for people and things.  I am reminding myself a lot lately that you are not yet two and you are learning and the world has changed for you.  I know you being able to express your distress is healthy I hate hearing you cry (‘tantrum’)!!

We are all learning on this journey together aren’t we?! xx

Swaddled?!!  Yes, it seems you like to be swaddled!  I hadn’t tried it because Ruby never liked it… but the other night I thought I would give it a go and you slept quite peacefully while Dadda and I ate dinner!  I hope you turn into a super sleeper little man… that would be a treat for your Mum and Dad! 🙂

Looking at this pic makes me want to run and stroke your soft little head xxx


On Daddy’s pile!!

Wednesday March 21st, 2012…

I can hear a wee man starting to stir, so type type type…. Around home… Anton getting further along to fixing the space for the dishwasher, with a little help from Rubes 🙂  I went o put Ruby’s name down for kindy today at a lovely little C&K near us…. I should have done it sooner, but struggled to get my head around enrolling my baby for ‘school’!!

Darling girl, you and I went outside for a little time together this afternoon.  You love being outdoors, which is wonderful (the mossies are horrid though!).  Your dad has a some gravel he’s neatly (sort of) piled near the fence and you love to climb on it and chuck it about the place, much to his dismay 🙂  This pic, with your too big shoes and proper “knickynoonas”, makes me think of ‘Oh the places you’ll go’, especially the line, “kid, you’ll move mountains!” – I have no doubt you can and will, my clever girl!

Your Dondy came to see us (you) this afternoon and it was really nice to have her here.  I love hearing how happy you are with her…. how obviously safe and loved you feel.  xxx

Little man, this pic certainly shows that you are working on your chins 🙂  And have I mentioned your divine little lips before?!  I can hear them smacking, so I best finish this up and give you your supper xxx

Testing. Testing.

Tuesday March 20th,2012…

Ha!  Anton and I both can’t remember what we did today!  The kiddos were the focus… Miss Rubes testing all boundaries and pushing her parents’ (particularly Daddy’s) buttons!

My girl, I took this pic over your Dadda’s shoulder as you were eating lunch today… You’re looking so angelic here, but not long after this you were chucking food on the floor, just to irk your Dad it seemed.  There’s been some big changes in your world of late and you’re letting us know you’re processing it all!!

I do love your wispy hair and big eyes captured here.  We love you so much and really do understand your world has been rocked by your brother’s arrival!  You have been so sweet with him… just a bit contrary with your parents 🙂

Sweetieboy, this is pretty much where you wanted to spend the day today… either on or under the susus!  Your sister liked to hang out here too and sometimes I feel a little pang that I just can’t sit and let you, like I did with her.  We do get lots of cuddles together at night time which is lovely.  You are a noisy little critter, making all sorts of sounds through the day and night!

I can hear some now…. best get ready for feeding time 🙂 xxx


Monday March 19th, 2012…

Ruby, Oscar and I headed for the Grandies today so that Anton and PaRoy could work on getting the dishwasher installed.  So it was we 3, plus Dondy and Asher…. and somehow it was bedlam.  Seriously, Mum and I could have used a stiff drink by the end of the day.  Refereeing and pottying and distracting and peacemaking and feeding and…. well hats off to anyone who has more than one child or works in childcare!!

Here you and Asher are, looking like little cherubs together.  Sitting nicely, reading your birdbooks.  You really are little cherubs, just highly spirited ones!!  You just love one another and I fear will get into all manner of mischief together throughout your lives 🙂  I don’t think Asher will be the ringleader though…..

Oscarboy, you had a little playdate too… well, a drinking susu date, with Miss Chloe.  Chloe’s Mum is a friend of Mummy’s and Chloe is about 6 weeks older than you.  She’s gorgeously chubbier at the moment, but I think you’re making it your business to catch up, and fast!

I just had to put this pic in because I loved it…. 3 dear little feet… Asher, Ruby (yes, that’s blue toenail polish) and Oscar…. all these little feet leave many many footprints on my heart ♥